Tag: pve

  • My homelab infrastructure

    Something very easily overlooked is what my homelab looks like, as it mostly just works! It is a well thought out combination of fit for purpose hardware, without becoming “work”, so while I do have a preference for specific hardware, I still have the freedom to build it differently than I would do at my…

  • The interesting future of Hypervisors

    In the landscape of hypervisors there are a couple of big names that always come up when engineers are talking about virtualisation, a couple can be, VMware, Hyper-V, Nutanix, you name them. The reason for that is that they’ve been around for so long that most people have seen or touched it at some point…

  • Running a LANCOM vRouter on Proxmox/KVM

    Today I struggled for some time to get a LANCOM vRouter appliance to work on Proxmox, in the end I got there but the provided instructions weren’t working. Hence I write this small post to help that small group of people out there that might at some point come across the need to do the…

  • Networking and cloud-init

    Sometimes cloud providers or maybe in your own infrastructure you might find the need to have your default gateway outside of your subnet, for example this is sometimes done by Hetzner and Myloc. The problem with cloud-init is that it doesn’t like it when your gateway is outside your subnet, well, it works with for…