Category: automation

  • The importance of intent(ion)

    For some time the AI-based development has been going on now, and I’ve been watching closely how and what it changed as of today, by no means I am a AI expert however. At first I was a bit sceptical, while AI can definitely help in our day-to-day life, it can also quite quickly create…

  • Networking and cloud-init

    Sometimes cloud providers or maybe in your own infrastructure you might find the need to have your default gateway outside of your subnet, for example this is sometimes done by Hetzner and Myloc. The problem with cloud-init is that it doesn’t like it when your gateway is outside your subnet, well, it works with for…

  • Automating your central heating

    For some time I was looking for a solution to make my boiler “smart” without modifying the thermostat to support OpenTherm. While browsing the interwebz on a lazy Sunday I stumbled upon the EMS-ESP32 project, which fit my needs perfectly, as it hooks into the EMS bus and talks with the thermostat in the propietary…